
Saturday, November 19, 2011

Advent Activity Calendar

Our goals for December are simple--play, teach, celebrate and rejoice!
I try to move anything that doesn't fall into one of these categories out of the month.  Streamlining is key.  For us, this means letting go of several things.  It means that I don't have the prettiest packages or the fanciest decorations, and I do as much as possible before Thanksgiving.  Otherwise, I am distracted and stressed.  I am not spending time with God, and I am not preparing my heart.  I miss the teachable moments. 
It also means that I have to plan ahead and be intentional.  Three years ago, I started an advent activities calendar.  Each year I sit down and think about all of the activities that I want (and/or need) to do with the kids that year.  Then, I start filling them in on a calendar.  This helps ensure that we actually do all of the fun things that we want to do that year without being unprepared or overwhelmed. It also gives the kids something exciting and fun to do each day of December. 
Our advent calendar is simple.  I place a small piece of paper with each activity into the calendar. Each morning, the kids take turns checking to see what we are going to do that day.  They love it, and it is a huge help to me.  If something pops up and I need to move things around, I do.
I will post pictures and additional details of our activities throughout December, but here some examples of things that we will be doing this year.
·         Good deed garland
·         Decorate the tree
·         Prepare a care package for my niece
·         Create a winter wonderland
·         Who's your nativity neighbor?
·         Make placemats from last year's Christmas cards
·         Make presents for grandparents, aunts and uncles
·         Make wrapping paper
·         Wrap gifts
·         Make treats for our neighbors
·         Make treats for the firemen
·         Make gingerbread houses
·         Make thank you notes
Over the years, I have found that breaking projects into small, manageable pieces is very helpful. It keeps things fun for all of us.  I have also found that if it is not on the calendar, we don't get to it.  So, this has become great tool for our family.

This is the advent calendar that we use.


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