
Monday, November 28, 2011

Santa Dollars

This is one of my favorite activities that we do throughout the Christmas season.  My kids love to buy gifts for each other, but it always bothered me to just hand them cash.  It didn't seem like they were experiencing the full benefit of giving since it didn't involve their money. 

So last year, we implemented Santa Dollars.  I simply printed out some play money and laminated it. The kids would earn Santa Dollars by doing chores around the house.  On days that we were preparing for company, they could earn double Santa Dollars.  The kids really got into it, and it was actually very helpful to me.  A few days before Christmas, we cashed them out with real cash and took them shopping so that they could buy gifts for each other.

Here are some pictures of the kids in action.


OriginalYouth said...

I love this idea! The link no longer works though :(
Any chance you have the file saved and can email it to me?

Amy said...
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Amy said...

I am bummed about the link not working. They were so easy to find the last couple of years that I didn't even think to save the file. I ran a few searches and didn't find any other cute Santa dollars that are freely printable. I would just use regular play money. It might not be as cute, but it should be just as effective.

Amy said...

Btw, I modified the link so that it goes directly to a site with printable play money.

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