
All About Amy

Tom and I have been married for ten years and have two incredible children.  Eight years ago this December, we were blessed with Grace Noelle.  What a Christmas present!  Grace is funny, witty, creative and feisty.  Things are never boring when she is around.  About a year and a half later, we welcomed our son, Sam, into the family.  Sam is sweet, kind and determined.  He is all boy and loves any and all sports.  We are truly blessed.
I love Christmas, and I have no problem celebrating Christmas all year long.  It is not unusual to hear Christmas music playing in our house when it is 100 degrees outside.  I want my children to love Christmas too, but more importantly, I want them to see beyond themselves and the secular nature of this holiday.  I want them to be marked by the birth of Christ.  I am thankful for the birth of a perfect Savior who died in my place and who erases all of my sin and imperfection.  This is truly a reason to celebrate.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16.

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